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Mr. Miao (Daniel) Cheng was invited to give a lecture to the Quality Assurance Committee (QBPC), deeply analyzing the latest trends in China's design legislation and judicial practice
Author: Cheng & Peng Release time: 2024/05/07

Recently, at the invitation of the Quality Brand Protection Committee of Foreign-Invested Enterprises (QBPC) of China,Daniel Miao CHENG  , Director of Cheng & Peng Intellectual Property Law Office, gave a two-hour special lecture on "The Latest Trends in China's Design Legislation and Judicial Practice" to QBPC members.


The lecture was hosted by Xia Xinjun, Vice Chairman of QBPC Patent and Innovation Working Group. With rich practical experience and keen insight, Director Cheng deeply analyzed the latest developments in China's design legislation and key issues in judicial practice.

Mr. Miao (Daniel) Cheng introduced in detail the evolution and latest trends of China's design legislation, and analyzed in detail key issues such as partial design, national priority, and the impact of China's accession to the Hague Convention on the global layout strategy of enterprises. At the same time, combined with specific cases, he explained in detail the changes in the global application practice of design, the characteristics of design protection, and the competition and conflict between design and other intellectual property rights.

As an important industry organization, QBPC aims to promote and protect the brand rights of foreign-invested enterprises in China. As an authoritative and professional platform, QBPC brings together many well-known multinational companies and industry experts to jointly optimize the foreign investment environment, enhance brand protection awareness, and promote the continuous improvement of relevant legislation and judicial practice.

QBPC has previously held high-level patent lectures for its members many times. The invited speakers are all top intellectual property experts in the field, and the content covers all aspects of the upstream, midstream and downstream of intellectual property protection.